Experts provide their clinical experience on identifying and managing smouldering multiple sclerosis, discussing the current treatment landscape and emerging approaches.
EP. 1: Smouldering Multiple Sclerosis Introduction
Experts begin this series on smouldering multiple sclerosis (MS) highlighting our current understanding of pathophysiology, it’s prevalence, and how we may better detect it in the future.
EP. 2: Identifying and Classifying Multiple Sclerosis (MS): An Expert Discussion
Experts discuss the challenges of detecting progression in multiple sclerosis (MS), addressing the lack of available assessment tools but the importance of patient-reported signs and symptoms.
EP. 3: Informing Patient on Smouldering MS
Experts offer their experience on educating patients about smouldering multiple sclerosis (MS).
EP. 4: The Underlying Pathology of MS
Experts describe our current understanding of the pathology of multiple sclerosis (MS).
EP. 5: Navigating the Complex Pathology of Smouldering MS
Experts explain the biological drivers underlying smouldering multiple sclerosis (MS) and how it might impact treatment modalities.
EP. 6: Emerging Treatment Options for Smouldering MS
Experts discuss current and emerging treatment options for multiple sclerosis (MS) highlighting the importance of treating early.
EP. 7: Lifestyle Approaches for Managing MS
Experts discuss holistic approaches to care for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), including lifestyle changes and managing comorbidities.
EP. 8: Pearls on the Pathology and Treatment of MS
Experts conclude their discussion with pearls on the treatment of smouldering multiple sclerosis and prospective advances in medicine.