Experts in sleep medicine provide key insights on a series of patient cases and evaluate the use of novel agents in the treatment landscape for narcolepsy.
EP. 1: Narcolepsy Overview
Margaret Park, MD, defines typical signs and symptoms of narcolepsy and differentiates between the 2 main types of disease.
EP. 2: Impact of Narcolepsy on Quality of Life
Experts in sleep medicine evaluate the impact of narcolepsy on a patient’s quality of life and expand on which symptoms appear to be most debilitating.
EP. 3: Case 1: 15-Year-Old Female With Excessive Daytime Sleepiness
Russell Rosenberg, PhD, DABSM, and Margaret Park, MD, review the case of a 15-year-old girl who presents with excessive daytime sleepiness and share clinical impressions on diagnosis and treatment.
EP. 4: Approaching the Diagnosis of Narcolepsy
Key opinion leaders in sleep medicine discuss patient recognition of cataplexy symptoms in narcolepsy and their approach to narcolepsy diagnosis.
EP. 5: Challenges in the Diagnosis of Narcolepsy
Drs Margaret Park and Russell Rosenberg discuss challenges in the diagnosis of narcolepsy.
EP. 6: The Role of Nonpharmacologic Treatments in Narcolepsy
Expert sleep specialists explore the use of nonpharmacologic treatment approaches for the management of narcolepsy.
EP. 7: Using Pharmacologic Interventions for Narcolepsy Management
Russell Rosenberg, PhD, DABSM, and Margaret Park, MD, review the optimal treatment selection of pharmacologic options for the management of patients with narcolepsy.
EP. 8: Challenges With the Use of Narcolepsy Medications
Drs Margaret Park and Russell Rosenberg illuminate challenges patients and providers face with narcolepsy medications, including potential substance abuse with scheduled substances.
EP. 9: Case 2: 22-Year-Old Man With Type 2 Narcolepsy
Expert sleep specialists review the case of a 22-year-old man who is diagnosed with excessive daytime sleepiness and type 2 narcolepsy and his challenges with treatment.
EP. 10: Managing Narcolepsy Treatment Adherence
Margaret Park, MD, leads the discussion on setting and managing patient expectations for treatment in narcolepsy.
EP. 11: Novel Treatment Options for the Management of Narcolepsy
Margaret Park, MD, and Russell Rosenberg, PhD, DABSM, provide insight on novel FDA-approved treatment options and their impact on the narcolepsy treatment landscape.
EP. 12: Pitolisant Data and Its Place in Clinical Practice
Key opinion leaders in sleep medicine discuss the pitolisant studies and their experience using the drug in clinical practice.
EP. 13: Optimal Use of Narcolepsy Medications
Drs Margaret Park and Russell Rosenberg share considerations for the use of solriamfetol, lower-sodium oxybate, and pitolisant in narcolepsy for various patient populations.
EP. 14: Future Directions for the Management of Narcolepsy
Margaret Park, MD, and Russell Rosenberg, PhD, DABSM, provide clinical pearls and the future treatment landscape for the management of narcolepsy.v