A survey of more than 500 individuals also found that dyskinesia impacted social interactions and reported that OFF time was isolating.
Jill Giordano Farmer, DO, MPH
Data from a recent study suggest that dyskinesia and OFF time are common in patients with Parkinson disease (PD) treated with levodopa.1 These findings were presented at the 2021 American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Annual Meeting, April 17-22, by Jill Giordano-Farmer, DO, MPH, director, Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Program, Global Neurosciences Institute. Giordano-Farmer and colleagues sought to evaluate the impact of dyskinesia and OFF time in patients with PD and their families and caretakers.
“These survey findings highlight what I’ve consistently seen in my practice treating people with PD,” said Giordano-Farmer in a statement.2 “Many people experience significant disruption in their daily activities due to OFF and dyskinesia. As a result, patients will often withdraw from social activities and experience a more significant emotional impact than we may realize. It’s important for people with PD and their care partners to be proactive and start the conversation about motor complications with their doctors. We can help patients identify OFF periods and dyskinesia, and ways to maximize good ON time to make the most of their day.”
Giordano-Farmer and colleagues analyzed data from 775 surveys from 527 patients with PD (68%) and 248 care partners (32%). Patients were within 3-10 years of diagnosis, with 29% within 3-5 years and 29% within 5-10 years. Forty-six percent were within 71-80 years of age and 32% were within 61-70 years of age. Most patients (98%) had a neurologist or movement disorder specialist as their primary health care provider treating their PD and 92% were taking some form of levodopa.
The investigators found that 604 (78%) respondents expressed no or moderate understanding of dyskinesia and OFF, while 398 (51%) reported experiencing dyskinesia and 591 (76%) reported experiencing OFF at least occasionally, with 368 (48%) experiencing both dyskinesia and OFF.
READ MORE: Subcutaneous Levodopa/Carbidopa Delivery Provides Potential Breakthrough in Parkinson Disease
Eighty-six percent of respondents that reported dyskinesia reported daily issues and 61% reported having to change plans and activities due to dyskinesia. Similarly, 90% of respondents that reported OFF reported daily issues and 60% reported changing plans or activities due to it.
In terms of mental and social health, 32% of patients that reported dyskinesia said social interactions were more difficult due to it and 27% of those that reported OFF said it can be isolating and led to feelings of loneliness.
“The more we understand the true impact and prevalence of PD motor complications, the better we can serve people living with this disease stay socially and physically active,” added Adrian Quartel, MD, chief medical officer, Adamas Pharmaceuticals, to the statement. “These data highlight the widespread burden and impact of OFF and dyskinesia in daily living. While many studies are typically confined to specific clinic populations, this survey is unique since PMD Alliance is a national advocacy organization with broad reach whose respondents better reflect the diversity within the community.”
For more coverage of AAN 2021, click here.