Mind Moments®, a podcast from NeurologyLive®, brings you an exclusive interview with Jennifer Majersik, MD, MS.
Karl Doghramji, MD, FAASM, DFAPA
Jennifer Majersik, MD, MS
Episode 54 of the NeurologyLive® Mind Moments® podcast is now live! Scroll down to listen or click here to subscribe on your favorite streaming service.
The Mind Moments® podcast features exclusive interviews with leaders in the field discussing the latest research and disease management strategies across the breadth of neurology, including epilepsy, multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson disease, dementia, sleep disorders, and more.
Episode 54, "The Shortage of Neurologists," features an exclusive interview with Jennifer Majersik, MD, MS, chief, division of vascular neurology, and professor of neurology, University of Utah, who along with 9 other colleagues, authored a report from the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) 2019 Transforming Leaders Program on the ongoing shortage of physicians in neurology. She offered her perspective on the challenge and how it can be addressed from an individual and institutional level.
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