

NeurologyLive® Friday 5 — November 8, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • Blood biomarkers are emerging as valuable diagnostic tools for Alzheimer's disease, enhancing clinical diagnosis capabilities.
  • Lennox-Gastaut syndrome requires greater recognition, with current treatment approaches needing further exploration.

Take 5 minutes to catch up on NeurologyLive®'s highlights from the week ending November 8, 2024.

Welcome to NeurologyLive®'s Friday 5! Every week, the staff compiles 5 highlights of NeurologyLive®'s widespread coverage in neurology, ranging from newsworthy study findings and FDA action to expert interviews and peer-to-peer panel discussions.

1: Current Use and Future Potential of Blood Biomarkers for Advancing Alzheimer Diagnosis: Rebecca M. Edelmayer, PhD

The vice president of scientific engagement at the Alzheimer's Association talked about the emergence of blood biomarker tests as valuable diagnostic tools for Alzheimer disease in the clinical setting. [WATCH TIME: 5 minutes]

Current Use and Future Potential of Blood Biomarkers for Advancing Alzheimer Diagnosis: Rebecca M. Edelmayer, PhD

2: Understanding Lennox-Gastuat Syndrome on LGS Awareness Day: Melanie Huntley, PhD

The data scientist at Roche and mother of a child living with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, provided insight on areas of the disease that need greater recognition, as well as an overview of how the disease is currently treated. [WATCH TIME: 4 minutes]

Understanding Lennox-Gastuat Syndrome on LGS Awareness Day: Melanie Huntley, PhD

3: Women's Neurology: An IJMSC Insights Conversation With Esther Bui, MD, FRCPC, and Riley Bove, MD

A feature on NeurologyLive®, IJMSC Insights offers a closer look at the latest research and the people behind it from the community of the International Journal of Multiple Sclerosis Care (IJMSC) and the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (CMSC).

Women's Neurology: An IJMSC Insights Conversation With Esther Bui, MD, FRCPC, and Riley Bove, MD

4: NeuroVoices: Richard Nowak, MD, MS, on the MINT Trial of Inebilzumab in Myasthenia Gravis

In our latest Q&A for NeuroVoices, the director of the myasthenia gravis clinic at Yale University discussed the therapeutic potential of inebilizumab, an FDA-approved treatment for NMOSD, in myasthenia gravis, based on data from the phase 3 MINT study.

NeuroVoices: Richard Nowak, MD, MS, on the MINT Trial of Inebilzumab in Myasthenia Gravis

5: Addressing the Diagnostic Gap in Long COVID Care

Clinicians discussed the complexities of diagnosing Long COVID, emphasizing the need for improved biomarkers and diagnostic technologies to better serve affected patients.

Addressing the Diagnostic Gap in Long COVID Care

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