The intravenous quarterly CGRP inhibitor eptinezumab significantly reduced monthly migraine days compared with placebo for patients with chronic migraine.
A non-invasive vagus nerve stimulation therapy significantly improved pain-free rates compared with a sham device for patients with episodic cluster headache and migraines.
The associate professor of clinical neurology spoke about the need to understand modifiable social and cultural factors that could impact disease severity and progression.
The clinical director of the Anti-NMDA Receptor Encephalitis Foundation spoke about the insidiousness of AD and the need for diagnosis earlier in disease progression.
The UC Health professor of neurology argued that with the current view on Parkinson disease, the field is missing the mark for disease-modifying interventions.
The chief medical officer and chief operating officer of Brainstorm Cell Therapeutics spoke about a host of topics related to the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Study findings revealed statistically significant results at week 4 for the 100-U dose compared to placebo. The 75-U dose, while effective, did not achieve statistical significance.
The data from the phase III EXPAND study indicated to the researchers that this risk reduction obtained with siponimod was substantially isolated from MS relapse.