Latest Conference Coverage

Krista Lanctot, PhD: Treating Agitation in Alzheimer Disease

Krista Lanctot, PhD: Treating Agitation in Alzheimer Disease

August 15th 2018

Nabilone significantly improved agitation, neuropsychiatric symptoms, cognition and nutrition in patients with moderate-to-severe Alzheimer disease.

John Didsbury, PhD: Going Against the Grain in Established Alzheimer

John Didsbury, PhD: Going Against the Grain in Established Alzheimer

August 14th 2018

The founder and CEO of T3D Therapeutics, Inc., spoke about T3D’s desire to go against the grain and trend in the therapeutic development for mild to moderate Alzheimer disease.

Jeff D. Williamson on the SPRINT MIND Trial

Jeff D. Williamson on the SPRINT MIND Trial

August 14th 2018

The findings suggest that intensive lowering of blood pressure may reduce the risk of mild cognitive impairment and the combined risk of mild cognitive impairment and dementia, but not dementia alone.

Lutz Frolich, MD, PhD: Target Patient Populations for Alzheimer Therapies

Lutz Frolich, MD, PhD: Target Patient Populations for Alzheimer Therapies

August 14th 2018

The head of the Department for Geriatric Psychiatry, Central Institute of Mental Health discussed his thoughts about patients with mild dementia and prodromal Alzheimer disease.

Harald Hampel, MD, PhD, MA, MSc on Advancements and Challenges in the Alzheimer Space

Harald Hampel, MD, PhD, MA, MSc on Advancements and Challenges in the Alzheimer Space

August 13th 2018

Hampel looks to the future of the Alzheimer space and sees promise, especially since there’s transfertilization from other advanced science fields in medicine like oncology, diabetes research and rheumatology.

Samantha Budd Haeberlein, PhD: The TANGO II Trial of BIIB092

Samantha Budd Haeberlein, PhD: The TANGO II Trial of BIIB092

August 12th 2018

The vice president and head of Alzheimer’s Disease, Dementia, and Movement Disorders in Late Stage Clinical Development at Biogen spoke about the upcoming TANGO II trial in Alzheimer disease.

Davangere Devanand, MBBS, MD: Challenges in Symptom Management in Alzheimer Disease

Davangere Devanand, MBBS, MD: Challenges in Symptom Management in Alzheimer Disease

August 12th 2018

Davangere P. Devanand, MBBS, MD, discussed the possibility of neurologists prescribing low-dose lithium for patients with Alzheimer and symptoms of agitation.

Anton P. Porsteinsson, MD: The s-CitAD Study Design

Anton P. Porsteinsson, MD: The s-CitAD Study Design

August 11th 2018

The Director of the University of Rochester Alzheimer's Disease Care, Research and Education Program discussed the ongoing study, which is exploring s-citalopram in patients with Alzheimer who also have symptoms of agitation.

John Didsbury, PhD: Phase IIa Trial of T3D-959 in Mild to Moderate Alzheimer Disease

John Didsbury, PhD: Phase IIa Trial of T3D-959 in Mild to Moderate Alzheimer Disease

August 11th 2018

Study results suggest that agonist stimulation of PPAR delta may be an effective therapeutic strategy to addressing dysfunctional metabolism in Alzheimer disease.

Samantha Budd Haeberlien, PhD: Progress in Alzheimer Drug Development

Samantha Budd Haeberlien, PhD: Progress in Alzheimer Drug Development

August 10th 2018

Haeberlein spoke about a number of topics in the Alzheimer space, including the progress that has been made and her excitement for the future.

Harald Hampel, MD, PhD, MA, MSc: Phase IIa Study of ANAVEX 2-73 in Treatment of Alzheimer Disease

Harald Hampel, MD, PhD, MA, MSc: Phase IIa Study of ANAVEX 2-73 in Treatment of Alzheimer Disease

August 10th 2018

The phase IIb/III study is scheduled to initiate enrollment of approximately 450 patients, randomized 1:1:1 to 2 different ANAVEX 2-73 doses or placebo.

Davangere Devanand, MBBS, MD: Lithium for Agitation in Alzheimer Disease

Davangere Devanand, MBBS, MD: Lithium for Agitation in Alzheimer Disease

August 9th 2018

The professor of psychiatry in neurology at the Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center at Columbia University Medical Center spoke about the possibility of using lithium for agitation in Alzheimer.

Geoff Kerchner, MD, PhD: Gantenerumab as Disease-Modifying Treatment in Early Alzheimer Disease

Geoff Kerchner, MD, PhD: Gantenerumab as Disease-Modifying Treatment in Early Alzheimer Disease

August 9th 2018

Higher doses of gantenerumab, a monoclonal antibody designed to bind to aggregated Aβ and remove beta plaques, will be investigated in phase III trials.

Ian Maidment, PhD: Treating Sleep Problems in Those with Dementia

Ian Maidment, PhD: Treating Sleep Problems in Those with Dementia

August 8th 2018

The senior lecturer in Clinical Pharmacy at Aston University talked about issues facing the medical community in treating those with dementia who have sleep problems.

Dennis Selkoe, MD: Crenezumab Significantly Reduces Aβ Oligomers in CSF

Dennis Selkoe, MD: Crenezumab Significantly Reduces Aβ Oligomers in CSF

August 8th 2018

The results conclude that treatment with crenezumab was associated with a consistent decrease in Aβ oligomer levels in the CSF.

Clive Ballard on Pimavanserin for Treatment of Hallucinations, Delusions Associated with Dementia-Related Psychosis

Clive Ballard on Pimavanserin for Treatment of Hallucinations, Delusions Associated with Dementia-Related Psychosis

August 7th 2018

The professor of age-related diseases and Dean of the University of Exeter Medical School provided insight into the safety and efficacy of pimavanserin studied in treatment for Alzheimer psychosis.

Nir Lipsman, MD, PhD: MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound to Open Blood-Brain Barrier in Alzheimer Disease

Nir Lipsman, MD, PhD: MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound to Open Blood-Brain Barrier in Alzheimer Disease

August 6th 2018

This technology offers a non-invasive, image-guided and reversible approach to blood-brain barrier, suggesting the possibility of its use in Alzheimer disease.

Ian Maidment, PhD: The ZED Study Findings in Alzheimer Disease

Ian Maidment, PhD: The ZED Study Findings in Alzheimer Disease

August 5th 2018

The senior lecturer in Clinical Pharmacy at Aston University spoke about the findings of the ZED study, which looked into the use of hypnotic z-drugs.

Harald Hampel, MD, PhD, MA, MSc: Genomic Analysis of ANAVEX 2-73 in Alzheimer Disease Study

Harald Hampel, MD, PhD, MA, MSc: Genomic Analysis of ANAVEX 2-73 in Alzheimer Disease Study

August 4th 2018

ANAVEX 2-73 is being studied as the first potential precision medicine biomarker-guided, targeted therapeutic in Alzheimer disease.

Anton P. Porsteinsson, MD: Addressing Trial Design and Symptom Intervention in Alzheimer Disease

Anton P. Porsteinsson, MD: Addressing Trial Design and Symptom Intervention in Alzheimer Disease

August 3rd 2018

The director of the University of Rochester Alzheimer's Disease Care, Research and Education Program spoke about the need to rethink trial design and Alzheimer neuropsychiatric symptom management.

BAN2401 Slows Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer Disease

BAN2401 Slows Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer Disease

August 2nd 2018

BAN2401 produced a dose-dependent substantial reduction in brain amyloid plaque at the highest dose, resulting in subjects converting to amyloid negative.

Jeff D. Williamson, MD, MHS: SPRINT-MIND Trial Preliminary Results

Jeff D. Williamson, MD, MHS: SPRINT-MIND Trial Preliminary Results

July 26th 2018

The SPRINT MIND trial found a statistically significant lower rate of new cases of mild cognitive impairment in the intensive treatment group.

Krista Lanctot, PhD: Nabilone Significantly Improves Agitation in Alzheimer Disease

Krista Lanctot, PhD: Nabilone Significantly Improves Agitation in Alzheimer Disease

July 25th 2018

The psychiatry and pharmacology professor spoke about the results from the first clinical trial that showed that a cannabinoid can decrease agitation in Alzheimer disease.

Clive Ballard, MD: Pimavanserin In Patients With Dementia-Related Psychosis

Clive Ballard, MD: Pimavanserin In Patients With Dementia-Related Psychosis

July 23rd 2018

Efficacy was demonstrated in this patient population at the primary endpoint of 6 weeks, especially in those with more severe baseline NPI-NH-PS.

Alzheimer's Association Develops First Practice Guidelines for Clinical Evaluation of Alzheimer Disease, Other Dementias

Alzheimer's Association Develops First Practice Guidelines for Clinical Evaluation of Alzheimer Disease, Other Dementias

July 23rd 2018

The recommendations will provide an important tool to help improve the quality of the diagnostic process, so patients receive an early and accurate diagnosis.

Andrew Satlin, MD: Lumateperone for Agitation in Patients with Dementia, Alzheimer Disease

Andrew Satlin, MD: Lumateperone for Agitation in Patients with Dementia, Alzheimer Disease

July 23rd 2018

Data from an interim analysis of the lumateperone large phase III clinical trial for agitation in subjects with dementia is expected by the end of 2018.

James Hendrix, PhD: First Practice Guidelines for Clinical Evaluation of Alzheimer Disease Released

James Hendrix, PhD: First Practice Guidelines for Clinical Evaluation of Alzheimer Disease Released

July 23rd 2018

These guidelines will provide primary clinicians and the specialist community an important new tool to more accurately diagnose patients.

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