Early Administration of Tranexamic Acid May Reduce Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Stroke
February 26th 2020Phase 2 STOP-AUST data suggest that the antifibrinolytic agent may be able to reduce ICH in spot sign positive patients with stroke when administered within 2 to 3 hours of onset, warranting further study.
ADDF Releases Cognitive Vitality Reports on Alzheimer Disease
February 22nd 2020The chief science officer at the Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation discussed the resource, which consists of more than 200 reports on drugs, development, supplements, food/drink, nonpharmacologics, and risk factors related to brain health.
Patients Switching to High Efficacy MS Therapy from Natalizumab Fare Better
February 21st 2020New data suggest a switch from natalizumab to a high efficacy disease-modifying therapy for patients with multiple sclerosis is more beneficial than switching to moderate efficacy therapy, including a lower risk of disease activity.