Take 5 minutes to catch up on NeurologyLive®'s highlights from the week ending September 22, 2023.
Welcome to NeurologyLive®'s Friday 5! Every week, the staff compiles 5 highlights of NeurologyLive®'s widespread coverage in neurology, ranging from newsworthy study findings and FDA action to expert interviews and peer-to-peer panel discussions.
A panel of neurology experts detailed the importance that community leadership and creating a positive environment can do for patients with rare neurologic disorders [WATCH TIME: 5 minutes]
The director of the Pediatric Epilepsy Center at UCSF discussed STK-001, an antisense oligonucleotide in development for Dravet syndrome, and the promise behind this type of targeted approach. [WATCH TIME: 4 minutes]
In this recent Q&A, the associate professor in the department of neurology at the University of Rochester provided insight on her presentation on psychosis in Parkinson disease and related disorders given at the 2023 ANA Annual Meeting.
The adjunct professor of human genetics at Emory University School of Medicine talked about efforts from various communities in neurological disorders, such as Rett syndrome, to develop new measures for research. [WATCH TIME: 3 minutes]
The professor in the department of internal medicine at RUSH Medical College discussed a study aimed to provide insights to help tailor cognitive decline prevention programs and raise awareness about health disparities in minority populations. [WATCH TIME: 5 minutes]